As BC's climate changes, episodes of extreme heat are projected to become hotter, longer, and more frequent. During extreme heat events, individuals are at higher risk of experiencing heat-related illness. Find out how to prepare and protect yourself at Be Prepared BC and Interior Health.
Those who make the Central Okanagan their home are accustomed to hot sunny weather, but with sustained temperatures from 35 to 40 degrees C with little reprieve of cooler evening air temperatures, it is important to keep cool and stay aware. Interior Health and Prepared BC recommend that residents:
- Drink plenty of water and other liquids to stay hydrated
- Take it easy, especially during the hottest hours of the day
- Seek cooler indoor and outdoor spaces
- If you have air conditioning, be sure to turn it on. (It does not need to be on as high as it can go to help keep you safe)
- Take a cool shower or put part of your body into a tepid bath
- Wear a wet shirt or apply damp towels to your skin to cool down
- Remember that overheating can lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke
Find more tips for staying cool inside and outside and helpful advice for planning ahead for a heat emergency at Extreme Heat Preparedness Guide
The District of Peachland encourages members of our community to check in on neighbours, friends and loved ones frequently -- especially those who are more susceptible to heat illness -- to ensure they are prepared for extreme heat and to help with emergency plans.
Residents with pets should also ensure they are safe during hot weather. Please consider exercising when temperatures are cooler earlier in the morning or later each evening. And never leave a pet inside an enclosed vehicle.
Places to stay cool in Peachland:
Peachland Art Gallery - 5684 Beach Avenue, free admission, July - August open daily 9 am to 5 pm
Peachland and Regional Public Parks - Heritage Park (Beach Avenue & 1st Street) is particularly shady and it has a splash pad! Swim Bay is an epic summertime retreat. Find information, including lifeguarding schedule, at Swim Bay. Check out the other wooded trails or waterfront parks where you can cool off: Peachland Parks and Trails.
Peachland Community Centre - 4450 6th Street, pop in to cool off and find the water bottle fill station. Peachland Library - #40 Village Mall, 5500 Clements Crescent, closed Sunday and Monday. Check the Peachland Branch Website for hours of operation.
Restaurants and shops - find the cool place you're looking for: Peachland Chamber of Commerce
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For health information, visit or PreparedBC.
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