The Official Community Plan outlines strategies for directing growth and development in Peachland. Developed through extensive community consultation, the OCP is the community's collective vision which outlines Council's policy direction for land use, services, and the form and character of development within specific areas. Any changes to the policies or land use designations, as outlined in the OCP, requires an amendment.
A zoning bylaw is a set of rules that regulate how land, buildings, and structures can be used in a community. Zoning bylaws are created by regional districts and municipalities to implement the goals of an Official Community Plan.
What zoning bylaws regulate?
- Use: What types of buildings and structures are allowed in a given area
- Size: The maximum size of buildings and structures
- Location: Where buildings and structures can be placed
- Density: How many buildings and people can be in a given area
- Parking: How many parking spaces are required
- Subdivision: How land can be divided into lots
- Fencing: What standards apply to fencing
- Signage: What standards apply to signage
How do zoning bylaws help the community?
- Zoning bylaws help to implement the goals of an Official Community Plan
- Zoning bylaws can help to support community sustainability and resilience
- Zoning bylaws can help to regulate the density of development
How do property owners use zoning bylaws?
- Property owners can consult the zoning bylaw to determine what they can build on their property
- Property owners can apply to amend a zoning bylaw if they want to make changes to what they can build on their property
There are a variety of regulatory bylaws that impact development in Peachland. These bylaws are created to regulate land use and development. Frequently referenced bylaws are linked below.
- Peachland Housing Needs Assessment 2023
- Peachland Interim Housing Needs Report 2024
- Terms of Reference for Professional Reports and Technical Studies
- Area Sector Plans (ASPs) are in place for Lower Princeton, New Monaco, and Pincushion-Ponderosa Ridge. Please contact the Planning Department for information on these documents.
The Agricultural Land Reserve is BC’s provincial zone that preserves agricultural land for the future. The Agricultural Land Commission is the administrative tribunal that adjudicates applications in the ALR while prioritizing and protecting the ALR land base and its use for agriculture.
Visit the ALC's website for more information including permitted uses, applications, decisions and more.