How Prepared are You?
How prepared are you for an emergency? Peachland has experienced wildfires, flood aand extreme heat, emergencies that can prompt evacuations and restrictions. Find out how you can make yourself and your home safer.
- Wildfire Preparedness
- Basic Emergency Kit Contents Card - Printable
- Household Preparedness Guide - Printable
For more emergency preparedness information, visit PreparedBC

Emergencies and Emergency Planning
Information about local emergencies, emergency services, road closures, news releases will be posted on this website. Some emergencies are managed through the Central Okanagan's Regional Emergency Program and residents will find important emergency information posted at
Residents and visitors are encouraged to sign up to receive e-notices from and
Pre-register with Emergency Support Services for evacuation registration - Pre-registering ahead of time will mean you're already set up in the ERA tool and may be eligible for Interac e-transfer payments, making it easier to access Emergency Support Services during an emergency.
Emergency Contacts
In the event of an emergency, please call 911.
Peachland Fire Rescue - non-emergency: 250-767-2841
BC Forestry: To Report a Wildfire call 1-800-663-5555.