FireSmart Rebate Program

FireSmart Rebate Program - Earn $1,000 for FireSmarting your Property

What is needed to Qualify

  • Have a FREE FireSmart home assessment conducted by one of our Wildfire Mitigation Specialist (WMS). The WMS can answer any questions you may have and provide you with a list of recommendations specifically for your property.
  • PRIOR TO STARTING THE WORK; email with your:
    Date of Assessment
    What mitigations are they planning to do
    Before photos of the area
    Est. timeframe of work being completed
    Est. cost of mitigations
  • Carry out one or more of the assessment's recommendations. Keep track of your hours (Work Hour Log Sheet) along with any receipts for supplies, take before and after photos and email all with a description of the work to
    Questions? Email:

Eligible FireSmart Activities Ideas

  • Remove highly flammable coniferous vegetation such as cedars and junipers near your house
  • Clean all combustible debris from your roof and gutters
  • Prune low tree branches to create a two-meter clearance from the ground
  • Clean underneath your deck to remove all combustible material
  • Install non-combustible 3 millimeter screens to external vents (except dryer vents)
  • Clean up brush piles, fallen branches

Your supplies and labour, set by the Province at $32/hour, for each activity are eligible. Rebates are limited to 50% of the total cost, to a maximum of $1,000. A limited number of rebates are available.

For more great FireSmart information check out their website FireSmart BC