
Property Owner

  • Latecomer fee (if any) must be paid prior to or at the time of Sewer Inspection Permit being issued.

Sewer Installer

  • Inspection Permit (obtained from Building Inspector) must be shown to inspector at time of inspection.
  • Sewer Installer must have a Peachland business licence.
  • Sewer installer/contractor must follow WCB Regulations regarding depth of hole and shoring requirements etc. (Sewer Inspector will not enter an unsafe work site.)
  • Sewer installer is expected to know how to calculate distance, depth, levels, fall requirements, compaction, turns, and connections in order to complete a successful installation.
  • Sewer Installer must be prepared to book appointment 48 hrs in advance. Appointments are booked Monday through Friday morning.
  • Sewer Installer must be prepared to pump the tank at time of inspection.
  • Sewer Installer must be ready for inspection at the appointed time. If not, the inspection does not proceed and the sewer installer must book another appointment (48 hrs later) and re-apply for another permit ($150 fee)
  • Sewer Installer/contractor must have own plug for testing purposes. Plugs are available at Andrew Sheret or Corix.

Sewer Inspector

  • Inspector will request permit at time of inspection.
  • Inspector will arrive for inspection at the pre-booked time.
  • Inspector will not enter an unsafe worksite.

Annual Sewer Flushing

Sewer Flushing is an annual procedure undertaken by the Regional District and is a preventative maintenance program that prevents sewer blockages and backups. This work will not affect the majority of residents but due to the nature of the operations there is a small possibility of spills, noise and odors resulting from the process. To minimize issues, please ensure your toilet lid remains closed when not in use. If odors are experienced after the truck is in your neighborhood, flush your toilets and run your taps to refill the p-traps within your system. It is the P-trap that prevents odors.

The procedure begins at the top of the current sewer system, around Whinton Crescent, and moves down to Beach Avenue. 


Peachland's wastewater is collected through a vast system that directs all of the wastewater from homes connected to the system, to the lift station at Swim Bay and to the lift station at Todd Road. The lift stations send the wastewater through a forcemain to the Regional District of Central Okanagan's Westside Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. The forcemain is a large pipe that is settled on the bottom of Okanagan Lake. The District of Peachland has a servicing agreement with the Regional District to manage the Peachland wastewater collection system.

For emergencies, please contact the Regional District at 250-469-6120 or for emergency after-hours water system or sewer problems call 250-868-5299