The following rules apply when presenting to Council:
- Submission Requirements: If your presentation includes written or electronic materials, they must be provided to Corporate Services at least seven working days before the meeting.
- Delegation Representation: If your delegation includes multiple participants, a designated spokesperson must be appointed to represent the group.
- Addressing Council: You must state your name before addressing Council. All remarks are to be directed to the Chair.
- Public Disclosure: Any printed materials submitted will be made public, subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
- Time Limits: Presentations are limited to 10 minutes, excluding time for questions or clarification from Council members. The Chair may extend the time limit if necessary.
- Council Decisions: Council may not make immediate decisions on requests presented. Instead, requests will be referred to staff for review, with a report and recommendation brought forward at a future meeting.
- Livestreaming and Recording: Please note that presentations to Council may be livestreamed and recorded.