If you have extra yard waste, consider upgrading the size of your cart or adding additional yard waste carts click here : Yard Waste Form complete the form and return the form to the District of Peachland. Either in person or via email to : finance@peachland.ca
If you have any questions about automated collection, please call the Regional Waste Reduction Office at 250-469-6250, visit or call E360 Solutions at 250-868-3211. Here is your Garbage/Yard Waste/Recycling Pickup Calendar. Living Greener Calendar
Excess Yard Waste
For residents that have an excess of yard waste and who prefer to not acquire an additional cart. Yard waste can be hauled directly to the Westside Residential Waste and Recycling Centre:
2460 Asquith Road, West Kelowna.
7:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Mondays, fees apply.
(The gate is closed at 3:50 pm).
All residents on municipal curbside garbage collection will receive yard waste pick up every two weeks from March through December. Here is what is accepted in your yard waste bin:
- grass, Leaves, pine needles and pine cones, garden plants, corn and tomato stalks
- branches and pruning's up to 5 centimeters (2 inches) in diameter and less than one metre (3 feet) in length
Please do not put plastic bags or other containers into this cart.
When your yard waste cart is full, wheel it to the curb by 7:00 am on your regular collection day. Be sure all materials fit within the cart with the lid closed.
Please note, yard waste is no longer allowed in the garbage. Any waste that does not comply will be left behind.
Glenmore Landfill
Located at 2720 John Hindle Drive, Kelowna, BC
(250) 469-8880
Open daily, 7:30 am - 4:45 pm
Closed December 25th, December 26th and January 1st
Backyard composting
Reduce your garbage and improve your garden. Twigs, grass and leaves can be combined with food waste to create rich compost. This Guide to Backyard Composting will give you more information.