Bylaw Services

Bylaws help support public safety and a provide a peaceful quality of life throughout the community. Our Bylaw Enforcement Officers support and uphold District bylaws, with the primary goal of facilitating voluntary compliance to ensure public safety, maintain community standards and manage behavioural and nuisance issues. 

Good Neighbours Make Great Neighbourhoods!

Ground view of Peachland. There are mountains in the background.

We each play a role in enhancing our neighbourhoods and contributing to our community in a helpful and positive way.

The Good Neighbour Guide has been written in support of Peachland’s desire to enhance the quality of life for its citizens, promote civic responsibility and encourage good relationships between neighbours. It contains a brief summary of key bylaws that are often referenced by citizens.

As individuals, we each have rights and responsibilities to our community and fellow citizens, and no bylaw can regulate common sense and consideration. Respect for others is important to being a good neighbour, and in many cases, a casual conversation between neighbours is the best way to address a neighbourhood concern.

Contact Us

Municipal Hall, 5806 Beach Ave, Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm, excluding statutory holidays.

  •  Email:
  • Phone: 250-767-3710
  • District of Peachland Main Reception: 250-767-2647


Call 9-1-1 for all emergencies! For after-hours assistance on non-emergency calls that need immediate attention, call the non-emergency RCMP line at 250-768-2880