Wharf and Buoy Registration Information
Application Process

Application Documents
Wharf and Buoy Policy & Bylaw
Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations
Canadian Coast Guard
Shoreland Plan
In 1982, the Corporation of the District of Peachland began the process of creating a strategy to guide the future use and development of the 11.25km shoreland fronting on Okanagan Lake, within the Municipality. The area was divided into 12 Units (see Shoreland Plan Map below) based on their location and the conditions in each area. Each of the 12 Units was evaluated and permitted uses were determined based on the natural and man-made features, natural shoreland processes, the goals and asporations of local residents, property owners, the Municipal Council, and interested Provincial Government Ministries.
Shoreland Plan Map

Unit 1
From Antler's Beach to 75m South of Peachland Creek (Deep Creek)
Permitted Uses
No shoreland development
No wharves or buoys
Unit 2
From 75m South of Peachland Creek to 75m North of Peachland Creek (Deep Creek)
Permitted Uses
Unit 2 is designated as a conservation area, 75 meters in each direction from the mouth of Peachland Creek
No wharves or buoys
Unit 3
From 75m North of Peachland Creek to the North side of 6575 Highway 97 (former Red Lion site)
Permitted Uses
No foreshore development
No wharves or buoys
Recreational uses allowed
- Boating
- Personal Watercraft
- Fishing
- Water Skiing
Unit 4
From the restaurant site located at 6575 Highway 97 to the South end of 'Doggie Beach' and the T-boat launch
Permitted Uses
No upland development
No foreshore development
No wharves or buoys
Recreational uses allowed
- Boating
- Personal Watercraft
- Fishing
- Water Skiing
Unit 5
From 'Doggie Beach' South of the T-boat launch to 4th Street
Permitted Uses
Public and Commercial recreational facilities
Pets allowed in posted designated areas South of the T-boat launch
Dog swimming to the left of the T-boat launch on the lakeside below Beach Avenue and Highway 97
Day use wharf located between 1st and 2nd Streets
Houseboat mooring between 2nd and 4th Streets in designated areas during daylight hours
Unit 6
From 4th Street to 5606 Beach Avenue (Strachan's Corner)
Permitted Uses
'Swimming Only Area' from 5th street to the North end of Swim Bay
Recreational uses allowed except in 'Swimming Only Area'
- Boating
- Swimming
Limited seasonal commercial uses may be permitted
Peachland Yacht Club
Dogs allowed in the park along Beach Avenue (on leash) from the Cenotaph to Swim Bay
Dog swimming area from 8th Street to 13th Street
Unit 7
From 5606 Beach Avenue to 75m South of Trepanier Creek
Permitted Uses
Sunbathing and swimming from 5606 Beach Avenue to the North side of the 13th street picnic area
Recreational uses allowed from North of the 13th street picnic area to 75m South of Trepanier Creek
- Boating
- Swimming
Dogs allowed in the park along Beach Avenue (on leash) from Swim Bay to 13th Street and 13th Street view point
Peachland WIBIT Water Park
Unit 8
From 75m South of Trepanier Creek to 75 North of Trepanier Creek (3996 Beach Avenue - Lakeshore Gardens)
Permitted Uses
Unit 8 is designated as a conservation area, 75 meters in each direction from the mouth of Trepanier Creek.
No wharves or buoys
Unit 9
From 75m North of Trepanier Creek to 3902 Beach Avenue (Todd Beach)
Permitted Uses
Vehicle and boat trailer parking
Recreational uses allowed except in 'Swimming Only Area'
- Boating
- Swimming
No Use Zone designated within 15m of the Water System #1 Emergency intake
Private swimming floats are permitted only in front of the private waterfront tourist facilities
Unit 10
From 3902 Beach Avenue (Todd Beach) to 3701 Beach Avenue (Davis Cove Resort)
Permitted Uses
Private mooring buoys in existence prior to July 23, 2003 are permitted in this area
No wharves permitted
No new buoys permitted
Recreational uses allowed
- Boating
- Personal Watercraft
- Fishing
- Water Skiing
No swimming floats other than Municipal wharves are permitted in this Unit. Other private floats or structures are not permitted.
No Use Zone designated within 15m of the Water System #1 Emergency intake
Unit 11
From 3701 Beach Avenue to 5122 Buchanan Road
Permitted Uses
A public beach access along the right of way of Burdekin Lane. Dogs are allowed on leash.
Each waterfront parcel may apply to have
- one dock/wharf that may be equipped with a boat lift (Max lift size 7.5m)
- one mooring buoy
Strata units at Jackson Cove and Davis Cove are permitted separate buoys provided all buoys are within the site's frontage and within 30m of the shoreline *Specific Conditions Apply*
Unit 12
From 5122 Buchanan Road to the Municipal boundary (South of Seclusion Bay Resort)
Permitted Uses
Each waterfront parcel may apply to have
- one dock/wharf that may be equipped with a boat lift (Max lift size 7.5m)
- one mooring buoy