Public Service Announcement
May 31, 2024
Peachland Property Taxes Due July 2
Peachland, B.C. - The 2024 Property Tax Notices have now been mailed to all Peachland property owners and are due Tuesday, July 2, 2024. If you have not received your tax notice by mid-June, please call the District office at 250-767-2647.
Remember to claim your 2024 Homeowners Grant by July 2, 2024 to avoid late penalties. call toll free 1-866-355-2700. Once your application is complete, record your confirmation number. The Province will forward all claim information to the District so no need to follow up after applying.
To avoid a late charge of 10%, payment and Homeowner Grants must be received by the District on or before July 2, 2024.
Payment Options
You can make payments in person at Municipal Hall, 5806 Beach Avenue, by cheque, cash, money order or with debit card.
Mail or Drop Box
You can drop your non-cash payment in our drop box located to the right of the main entrance door. Or you can mail your non-cash payment to us at:
- 5806 Beach Avenue
- Peachland, BC
- V0H 1X7
Payments can be made online at most financial institutions. If paying at a participating financial institution, please check bank cut-off times to avoid penalty; allow five business days for electronic payments. The account number for online banking is the last eight digits of the Roll Number printed on your tax notice at the top right corner. Do not include any dots or spaces.
To avoid penalty, be sure to allow time for processing payments. Postmarks or bank stamps are not accepted as proof of payment date. Credit Cards are not accepted.
The District office is open from 8 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday excluding Monday, July 1 which is a statutory holiday.
Avoid line ups and arrange your payment by postdated cheque or through online banking. The District's Property Tax Prepayment Plan offers a convenient method of paying next year's taxes in advance. Find this information and more