Business Licence Application Delay

Public Notice

Public Service Announcement

April 5, 2024

Business Licence Delay in Peachland

Influx of Short-Term Rental Applications

Peachland, B.C. - Due to an influx of applications, the District of Peachland is warning of delays in processing new business licences, particularly for short-term rental submissions.

In Peachland, short-term rentals are governed under Bed and Breakfast regulations and require a business licence to operate. The rental must also be located within a person's primary residence and, as people gear up for the peak rental season, many residents are requesting licences for their rentals. Adding to the delay is the need to conduct safety inspections for short-term rentals.

Those seeking a business licence can expect a delay of 10 business days before contact after submitting a completed application.

Thinking of a Short-Term Rental?

In the District of Peachland, short-term rental (anything under 30 days) of a private room or a registered suite in a home is regulated under the Zoning Bylaw as Bed and Breakfasts. There are two types of Bed and Breakfasts.

  • Traditional Bed and Breakfast with an individual room and a shared living facility, and
  • Suite Bed and Breakfast run out of a registered secondary suite.

Short-term rental of an entire dwelling, including a garden suite or recreational vehicle, is not allowed in Peachland.

The operator of the bed and breakfast must have a business license and the rental must be operated at the licensee's principal residence.

It is important that short-term rentals do not adversely affect the community. A short-term rental must meet specific health and safety standards. The property will require a building and fire inspection before a business licence is issued.

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