Council Highlights February 25, 2025




5601 Wild Goose Street – OCP and Zoning Amendments

Council adopted Official Community Plan and Zoning Amendment Bylaws for District-owned property at 5601 Wild Goose Street, a new road to be created as part of the development. It is named after Wild Goose Bill, the first known settler on the land which later became Peachland. The road will lead to the Peachland Child Care Centre adjacent to the Peachland Elementary School. The property’s new OCP designation is Institutional and is now zoned P2 Public/Institutional, allowing the development of the Peachland Childcare Centre. 


Wibit Waterpark

Council has deferred consideration of what to charge the owners of the Wibit Waterpark for its seasonal lease of a portion of the community’s waterfront for another five-year term. Since 2020, the District has provided a Water-Land Use Encroachment Agreement for a fee of $3,780 per year. Wibit operators are charged much more in other communities and Council was asked to consider raising Peachland’s fee. Council elected to request input from the operator/applicant before making a final decision. 


Additional Capital Budget Items

Council approved amendments to the 2025 Budget for the purchase of a replacement snowmobile at a cost of $15,000 and a Cemetery Trench Cage, at a cost of $9,500.


Dogs in Parks

Council agreed to a pilot program for one year that will allow dogs-on-leash in three neighbourhood parks, Knoblauch, Morrison and Chevalier Parks. These parks are not as busy as community parks and would provide more areas for dog owners to exercise their dogs. The District’s bylaw allows on-leash dogs in Lambly Park and off leash in Sanderson, Pincushion, MacKinnon Parks and the Doggie Beach. Signage will be installed indicating the rules for on-leash dogs in the neighbourhood parks, including avoiding playground areas.