Notice of Unpaid Taxes 2023


Notice of Unpaid Taxes 2023

Peachland residents with unpaid taxes have received notices in the mail advising that penalties have been applied on outstanding amounts, but property owners can still claim the Homeowner Grant for 2023.

A 10% penalty is applied on outstanding property taxes as of midnight on July 4, 2023. This penalty also applies to unclaimed Homeowner Grants.

If you have received a notice of unpaid property taxes, please ensure you have claimed your Homeowner Grant by call 1-888-355-2700 to speak to an agent. If you qualify for a Homeowner Grant you must apply for it each year. The deadline to claim the 2023 grant is December 31, 2023.

Property owners with taxes in arrears are encouraged to make a payment to avoid further interest charges. Municipalities are governed by Provincial legislation and the District of Peachland does not have the authority to waive or alter penalties or interest charges.

Payments can be made by cash, cheque or debit at the District Office, 5806 Beach Avenue, or online through your financial institution. If you have any questions, please contact the Finance Department at 250-767-2647 or