Visitor Centre Relocating to Museum


News Release

November 10, 2023

Visitor Centre Relocating to Peachland Museum

Peachland Community Arts Council has provided notice to the District that they will not be renewing their contract to operate the Visitor Centre service from the Historic Schoolhouse once it expires in February 2024. Following that notice, Peachland Council has approved an agreement with the Peachland Historical Society to operate the Visitor Centre beginning in the new year in its new location in the museum at 5890 Beach Avenue.

Beginning in March 2024, the Peachland Visitor Centre will be operated out of the Peachland Museum instead of the Peachland Historic Schoolhouse, creating important efficiencies in providing two key community services.

"Well respected community volunteers have historically operated both the museum and the Visitor Centre in Peachland, with the District providing funding for these services," says Mayor Patrick Van Minsel. "It has been through countless volunteer hours that the Peachland Museum has remained open all these years, and the Peachland Community Arts Council has operated the Visitor Centre out of the Historic Schoolhouse for years and we can't thank them enough. But, as the community grows and times change, its important for us maintain these important services."

The move will mean visitor centre services will be integrated into the main floor of the museum. Museum operations and displays will be managed alongside visitor services. The Peachland Historical Society will take over Visitor Centre operations and all volunteers will undertake Destination BC Visitor Centre training.

As the Arts Council return to its roots as a volunteer-based organization, the Art Gallery will remain within the Historic Schoolhouse until Council determines the most appropriate community use for the space.

"Council supports this move wholeheartedly. Combining museum and visitor services is an efficient move and opens up the Historic Schoolhouse space for more community programing," says Mayor Van Minsel.