July 19, 2023
Water Conservation Tips
With Provincial Drought, Time is Right to Limit Consumption
Peachland, B.C. - With much of British Columbia experiencing severe drought levels, and the Okanagan Valley currently sitting at Drought Level 3, Peachland residents are encouraged to do all they can to conserve water, particularly on their lawns.
The Government of BC moved the Okanagan to Drought Level 3 after the area experienced a lack of precipitation, declining stream flows, rising water temperatures and weather forecasts for above normal temperatures. Out of 5 levels, Level 3 indicates conditions are severely dry.
Peachland is always on Stage 1 water restrictions and the community's water supply, Peachland Creek and Peachland Lake reservoir, is healthy but close monitoring is ongoing and there may come a time when restrictions will need to be increased.
Peachland residents can help keep our water source healthy by voluntarily conserving water and limiting outdoor irrigation, the second largest use of water in the Okanagan. Please consider the following water conservation tips:
- Watering lawns sparingly if at all. Consider letting your lawn go gold, or dormant. Lawns may appear dead, but they can stay this way for weeks (depending on the species) before any permanent damage occurs.
- Follow Peachland's Stage 1 restrictions - Even-numbered addresses water on even calendar days and odd-numbered addresses on odd calendar days, allowing for 3-4 days per week. Stage 2 restrictions allow outdoor watering twice a week only.
- If permitted, water in the morning or evening to reduce evaporation.
- Do not clean driveways/paths with water; use a broom instead.
Find details about Peachland's Water Regulations Bylaw #1688 atwww.peachland.ca/water-bylaws. Find more outdoor, and indoor, water conservation tips atwww.makewaterwork.caand take the pledge to let people know how you're making water work smarter.
The green spaces in our public parks provide incalculable benefit to our residents. Occasionally, due to vandalism or age, our automatic sprinklers can cast spray on pavement. If you see this happen, let us know atoperationsclerk@peachland.ca.
Small Drips Equal Big Losses
One small drip can waste as much as 75 litres of water a day! Make sure that precious water isn't leaking down the drain or hitting the gutter without nourishing your grass, trees and plants. Repair leaky faucets and toilets and always turn off your taps tightly so they don't drip.
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