Peachland Child Care Centre Funding


News Release

August 9, 2024

Peachland Receives Much-Needed Child Care Funding

104 Child Care spaces opening near Peachland Elementary School

Peachland, B.C. - Peachland families can rejoice! The District of Peachland is the recipient of funding through ChildCareBC's New Spaces Fund to build a new 104 space child care centre in Peachland, adjacent to Peachland Elementary School.

The announcement that the District of Peachland was successful in its application is welcome news by Peachland Council, which made improving access to childcare one of its top strategic priorities.

"A healthy community that can retain and attract families to Peachland requires access to quality childcare that parents and grandparents can count on," remarked Mayor Patrick Van Minsel. "This is now made possible through the Province's generous funding support to fully fund a new child care centre next to Peachland Elementary."

"These new spots will make a significant difference for families in Peachland, providing them with the flexibility and support they need while ensuring children have the best possible start in life," said Jenna Sudds, federal Minister of Families, Children and Social Development. "We will keep working hard to deliver more affordable and high-quality child care to communities in British Columbia and across the country."

This project is to construct an all-new inclusive and accessible all-ages child care centre in Peachland on lands under purchase agreement by the District, adjacent to the Peachland Elementary School.

"We know how life-changing access to reliable child care is and we're delivering," said Mitzi Dean, Minister of State for Child Care. This investment means more Peachland families, with children of all ages, will be able to benefit from these spaces located in the heart of the community."

The new child care centre will be economically, socially and environmentally sustainable and help to build a more complete community around the school. The carefully selected site is located in one of Peachland's only available walkable and mixed-use neighbourhoods. Aside from being directly adjacent to Peachland Elementary school, it is also within a short walk to public transit, the Peachland library, Peachland's only grocery store and existing multi-family affordable housing developments. Adjacent to the site is another large undeveloped parcel that was recently rezoned for multi-family housing and will be geared toward attainable long-term rental units.

The new child care centre will support a comprehensive all-ages model, that will be built to meet or exceed stringent BC Building Code and energy efficiency requirements, operate using green hydro-electric energy, and be designed and constructed for universal accessibility.

The District of Peachland gratefully acknowledges the support of the Province of B.C. through its ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund and the Government of Canada through the Canada-British Columbia Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement. Peachland would not have been able to achieve this milestone without this partnership.

Peachland Child Care Centre - pdf

Peachland Child Care Centre