Short Term Rentals

Short Term Rentals/Bed and Breakfast

In Peachland, a Bed and Breakfast (B&B) refers to any short-term rental in a residential property, including vacation rentals. A Bed and Breakfast (short-term rental) is a secondary suite or room(s) within a home that is rented out for less than 30 days at a time. An operator of the B&B must hold a valid Municipal Business Licence and must be operating within his/her principal residence.

Read this Quick Guide to Short Term Rentals in Peachland:

Guide to Short Term Rentals

A Bed and Breakfast falls into one of two categories:

  • Traditional Bed & Breakfast - a business operated from a dwelling providing one (1) or more room(s) with shared common areas (i.e. kitchen, living room, etc.), with or without meals provided, and with no guest staying more than thirty (30) days in a twelve (12) month period. A Traditional Bed and Breakfast must have easy and open access between all living facilities.
  • Suite Bed & Breakfast - a business operated from a dwelling providing one (1) or more rooms(s) which consists of a self-contained sleeping, living, cooking, and sanitary facilities, as well as direct access to the exterior, without passing through any part of the principal dwelling, with or without meals provided, and with no guest staying more than thirty (30) days in a twelve (12) month period.

A Suite Bed and Breakfast must hold a secondary suite licence AND a business licence to operate. For more information on how to register your secondary suite, please clickhere.

Note: whole dwelling units including garden suites and RVs are not permitted to be rented out short-term.

It is important that Bed and Breakfast operations do not affect the comfort and enjoyment of neighbours and the surrounding community. As such, all Bed and Breakfast's must have the proper licencing, adhere to zoning requirements, and meet specific health and safety standards. The property will require a site visit from the District's Building Inspector and Fire Inspector to ensure the location complies with the BC Building Code and BC Fire Code, and District of Peachland Bylaw Officer before a Business Licence is issued.

Bed & Breakfast General Requirements

  1. Bed & Breakfast must be listed as an authorized use in the specific zone of the property
  2. A Bed & Breakfast must be operated at the Licencee's principal residence.
  3. An owner of a Bed & Breakfast must:
    • maintain records of all patrons, pursuant to the Hotel Guest Registration Act, to be provided upon request to a Peace Officer or the Licence Inspector,
    • post a copy of the fire evacuation plan, showing the location of exits, fire extinguishers, and smoke detectors, in each guest room,
    • provide one designated parking spot on the Premises per bedroom, to be used exclusively for patron vehicles, and clearly marked as such.
  4. A Bed & Breakfast is not permitted on a lot that contains a secondary or garden suite.
  5. An applicant must indicate the number of bedrooms to be rented, as well as whether meals are to be provided, when applying for a licence.
  6. No more than four (4) bedrooms shall be used for the Bed & Breakfast.
  7. No more than eight (8) patrons, including boarders and lodgers shall be accommodated at one time.
  8. No bedroom shall include a kitchen.
  9. No patrons shall stay for a period longer than thirty (30) days in a twelve (12) month period.