Civic Grants

Civic Grants Applications

Civic Grants Policy and Application

All applications must be submitted on the form prescribed by the District of Peachland. The applications may be dropped off at the Peachland Community Centre located at 4450-6th Street, or emailed to Coporate Services.

2023 Civic Grant Notice

Local non-profit organizations which contribute to the quality of life in Peachland are invited to apply for a Civic Grant.

The Civic Grants Policy outlines the following:

  • The purpose of the civic grant program is to assist citizens in organizing themselves around community issues and projects.
  • In the majority of cases, it is anticipated that financial assistance will only be granted for a limited time period, subject to annual review.
  • Programs and services will be evaluated on the basis on need, appropriateness, and demonstrated effectiveness.
  • All grants are for a period of one year and shall not exceed $1,000.

An application for a civic grant may be submitted by any organization which:

  • Has been in operation no less than 6 months in the District of Peachland
  • Is based in Peachland
  • Has membership from within the District of Peachland or surrounding areas
  • Has the majority of its members as voting members
  • Is in good standing with its licensing authority
  • Has made, at a minimum, an application to the Central Okanagan Foundation, and has received a written response from the COF, or any other granting organization.

Applications must be submitted to the Director of Corporate Services by the 16th of December for the 2023 Grants. Sports teams and individuals qualified for Provincial competition(s), pursuant to Article 7 of the Policy, will be eligible for assistance past this deadline.

Payments of civic grants will be made the later of July 15th or the date of requisition by the grantee who is required to submit a requisition for payment.

Applicants may be required to appear before Council to answer questions with respect to program services, finances or other issues.

Conditions of Issuance of Civic Grants:

All civic grants will be governed by the following guidelines:

  1. Grant applications shall not be granted in the year requested and shall be held over for budget deliberation in the following year.
  2. The maximum civic grant shall not exceed $1,000.00 in a year.
  3. No consideration shall be given to requests submitted by non-District of Peachland community organizations unless its membership includes District of Peachland residents.
  4. An accounting of the disposition of the civic grant must be provided within three months of the end of the fiscal year in which the grant is received.
  5. Should no accounting of funds be received, no further civic grants will be granted or paid to the grantee.
  6. The following organizations are or will be subject to a fee for service, leasing or other agreement with the District of Peachland. These organizations must follow the civic grant application process, but not be subject to the dollar amount limit:
    • Peachland Ambassadorial Committee
    • Peachland Historical Society
    • Peachland Community Police
    • Peachland Citizens' Patrol
    • Peachland Wellness Centre
    • Peachland Fall Fair
    • Peachland Community Arts Council
    • Peachland and District Retirement Society
  7. Sports Teams and Individuals: Teams and individuals will be eligible to receive funding assistance once they win at the regional level and have qualified for Provincial competition. Applications for sports teams funding will be reviewed by the Parks, Recreation & Culture Committee and recommendations will be forwarded to Council. The total amount of funding will be $4,000.00 per year; applications will be accepted until the funds are depleted.