Making Your Home FireSmart

How to Make your Home FireSmart

Sparks and embers can be thrown up to 2 kilometres ahead of a wildfire. These can ignite materials on or near your home which can be potentially devastating. These FireSmart guidelines will help you create a defensible space around your home, minimizing your fire risk.

Create a FireSmart Home Ignition Zone

The FireSmart Zone is the area around your home. Start at your home and work your way outwards. Changes made to the area closest to your home and your home itself will have the greatest impact on reducing the risk of wildfire damage. Download your copy of the Firesmart BC Begins at Home Guide and the FireSmart BC Landscaping Guide to use as reference.

Insurance Reasons to Think FireSmart!

  • Cooperators has partnered with FireSmart BC to encourage homeowners to take advantage of the FireSmart BC Home Partners Program and the FireSmart Canada Neihbourhood Recognition Program. Get details here: Cooperators FireSmart Information
  • Property owners can get $100 off their BCAA Home Insurance policy if they complete a Home Assessment through the Home Partners Program. Upon completion of all the recommended mitigation actions from the Home Assessment, property owners can get additional savings of 5%. Visit

Interested in FireSmart Certification? Learn more here: FireSmart BC Home Partners Program

Tips to FireSmart Your Home (click to open pdf)

FireSmart your house tips diagram.

FireSmart Home Ignition Zone (click to open pdf)

FireSmart ignition zone diagram.

Firesmart Videos

Are you at risk of being evacuated due to wildfire? Here are some last-minute actions you can take. Also download the FireSmart evacuation checklist

3 Easy Wyas to Assess your Home

In the time it takes to make yourself a coffee, you could be assessing your property for potential fire risks. It's that easy. Here are some ways to get started.

Option 1: Review the FireSmart Manual Chart

Download the FireSmart BC Homeowner Guide and turn to the chart near the back where you can work through the steps to asses potential wildfire risks

Option 2: Download the App for a Quick DIY Assessment

You can assess your home in just five minutes using the FireSmart Begins at Home app. Download it from the App Store or Google Play, which will walk you through the steps to help provide a high-level picture of some of the possible risks around your home.

Option 3: Ask for your Free Home Hazard Assessment

Did you know that Peachland's FireSmart community representative can conduct an on-site assessment of your home - for free? They will inspect your home and create a report with steps you can take.


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