Building permits are required if you plan to construct, renovate, demolish, or change the use of a building. Residential projects can generally be grouped into 8 categories. See if your project needs a building permit by checking these categories.
New Homes & Demolition
A permit will be needed for
- New construction
- Demolition of part of a house
- Demolition of a whole house
- Existing home or mobile home relocation
- Change of use or occupancy
Exterior Renovations & Additions
A permit is required for:
- An attached deck that is 0.6 meters (2 feet) or higher above grade, or supporting a roof
- An addition to a house (enlarging the footprint)
- A porch or balcony
- A basement door well
- A sunroom
- Enclosing a sundeck or porch
- New window or door openings
- Major roofing projects
- Solar panel installation
Interior Renovations
A permit is required for:
- Completing a previously unfinished area (i.e. basement, carport)
- Changes to load bearing walls
- Removing, relocating, altering, or constructing interior walls
- Creating a secondary suite
- A change of use (i.e. converting a garage into a living space)
- Adding or altering plumbing
Plumbing & Mechanical
A permit is required for:
- Making changes to plumbing systems
- Replacing water or sewer services
- Installing or modifying heating systems
- Constructing chimneys and fireplaces
- Installing wood or pellet stove appliances
Accessory Buildings & Structures
A permit is required for:
- Constructing or demolishing an accessory structure greater than 10 square metres (108 square feet). Check the Zoning Bylaw for setbacks and other requirements.
- Change of use (i.e. converting a garage to a living space)
- Construction of a Garden Suite
Garden & Secondary Suites
A permit is required for:
- Constructing a self-contained accessory dwelling within a home (secondary suite)
- Constructing a self-contained dwelling inside an accessory building (garden suite)
Landscaping & Pools
A permit is required for:
- Building retaining walls over 1.22 meters (4.0 feet) in height (a design by a P.Eng and Schedule B is also required)
- Constructing or structurally repairing a swimming pool
- Constructing a hot tub, spa, or water feature deeper than 60 centimeters (24inches)
Fire & Flood Repair
A permit is required for:
- Repair work
Maybe! Building permits are only one type of permit you may need to get before starting work on your property. It is your responsibility to obtain ALL the necessary permits from the District of Peachland or other regulating agencies before starting. Review the different types of permits here to see if any apply to your project.
Development Permit Areas
Peachland has a number of Development Permit Areas (DPAs) that are described in the Official Community Plan. These include:
- Aquatic
- Hillside (slope over 20%)
- Terrestrial
- Wildfire
- Comprehensive
- Intensive Residential
- Revitalization
Check with Planning and Development Services or use the GIS (Geographic Information System) yourself (for a quicker answer) to identify any potential development permit areas that may apply to your property. If a DPA applies, you may need to get an approved Development Permit before a building permit can be issued.
Driveway Permit
Are you planning on creating a paved parking area, making changes to your existing driveway or looking to add a new driveway access to the street? Are you adding a secondary suite? You may need to obtain a Driveway Permit. Contact the Operations Department for more details and for assistance on filling out the application.
Water/Sewer Service Permit
If you need to connect to, or repair a connection, for your water service, water meter, or sewer service, you may need to obtain a Water/Sewer Permit. Contact the Operations Department for more details and for assistance on filling out the application.
Earthworks Permit
Moving, removing, or depositing soil on your property without an approved building permit may require you to get an Earthworks Permit. Contact the Operations Department for more details and for assistance on filling out the application.
Tree Protection & Cutting Permit
Thinking of cutting down a tree on your property? Think again. You may need to obtain a Tree Cutting Permit. Contact Bylaw Services for more details and for assistance on filling out the application.
Septic System Permit
Interior Health is the regulating agency for septic systems in the Peachland area. If you need information on an existing septic system or are looking to install a new one, please contact them.
Gas or Electric Permit
If your project requires gas or electrical work, you may need a permit from Technical Safety BC
Not always. Check the list below for projects that can be completed without obtaining a building permit first.
Remember, just because you don't need a building permit doesn't mean other permits may not be required.
Projects that do not require a permit include:
- Minor renovations like painting, decorating, or installing new flooring
- Minor roof repairs like re-shingling (anything structural needs a building permit)
- Replacing existing plumbing fixtures
- Replacing windows and doors, provided they are the same size as the existing ones
- Installing fencing (except for around swimming pools). Check the Zoning Bylaw for regulations.
- Changes that DO NOT add or remove walls
- Changes that DO NOT add or remove plumbing fixtures
- Changes that DO NOT add or remove heating systems
- Exterior finish repair or replacement
- Accessory structures (i.e. garden shed) less than 10 square meters (108 square feet)
- Landscaping and sidewalks provided you are not in a development permit area (Check the Other Permits page)
- Constructing arbours and trellises
- Constructing decks less than 2 feet above ground
- Building landscape walls less than 1.22 meters (4.0 feet) in height
- Placing a temporary construction trailer for a project for which a building permit has already been issued.
- Building Design - Use this map or check with the Building Inspector to determine if you are within the 10-minute Fire Response Area, as that information will help you to design your building, determine the construction details, amount of unprotected openings you can have in a wall, and the distance you need to be away from the property line with your building.
- Zoning - Check the Zoning Bylaw to ensure the zoning allows the intended use.
- Restrictions - Check the Zoning Bylaw for the required setbacks, maximum height of building, and site coverage.
- Development Permit Areas - Check with the Planning & Development Department or use the GIS to identify any potential development permit areas that may apply to the property. If the property is in an identified development permit area, an approved development permit may be required before a building permit can be issued.
- Services - Check with Operations Department for location of water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer.
- Land Title - Check with the Land Titles Office for a copy of your Title Certificate and for any covenant, easement, right-of way, etc. registered on the land title.
- Septic Sewage Disposal System and Potable Water Source - Check with Interior Health if no municipal water and/or sanitary sewer is available to your property.
You can find out a lot of property information using the Geographic Information System (GIS). You will find recent and past aerial imagery, and information on the subject property, legal description, assessment, in addition to zoning and development permit information. You can even see what day the Waste Collection is scheduled for.
- Title Search - A Title Certificate dated within 30 days plus any relevant easement, covenant, or right-of-way documents identified. This information can be found using an online title search company such as Land Titles Office or Speedy Search.
- Septic Approval - If City sewer connections are not available. Please contact Interior Health for more information as they are the regulating agency. A report by a Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner (ROWP) may be required.
- Legal Description - Provide legal description and/or civic address.
- Truss Details - Provide a digital copy of the engineered truss layouts including engineered details (if applicable) from the company supplying the trusses.
- Home Protection Act Requirements - If you are the builder, you need to submit the registration form for verification of Residential Builder Licence and proof of Home Warranty insurance at application stage. If you are the owner builder, you need to submit the declaration and disclosure notice form at application stage.
- Site Plans - provide a digital copy of all site plans scaled 1:100 or 1:250 metric; 1/8"=1'-00" or 1/16"=1'-00" imperial indicating the following information:
- Lot shape and size with setbacks of the building to the property line.
- Show decks, projections, cantilevers
- Driveway location, existing and/or proposed
- Septic system, well location (if applicable)
Digital copies of plans, forms, and documents are being requested for quicker processing and benefits to the environment. Digital copies need to be in PDF format, and can be submitted on a USB drive or emailed. You may still submit paper copies in person, but digital copies, either in the form of a USB or email, will be required along with the paper copy when possible.
Provide a digital copy of complete drawings in metric or imperial which indicate the following information:
- Foundation and Floor Plans
- Typical Cross sections and
- Construction Details
- Elevations
(Additional information may be requested during the building permit process.)
There are no restrictions on who can create working drawings*. However, hiring a professional house designer or Architect can ensure that the information is complete and allows for a quicker processing time. See attached sample layout for an example of the minimum standards and information required to make a building permit application.
*(An Architect is required when the footprint area exceeds 600 sq m, when a building is more than 3 storeys in height and when the building is intended for an assembly use.)
Building permit applications are reviewed on a first come first serve basis.
Processing time depends on the type and complexity of the project. Generally, the more complete the submission, the quicker the processing time. To avoid delays always submit a complete application.
Currently it takes approximately 2-6 weeks for issuance.
- If you submit an incomplete application it will slow down the processing of your application.
- If you submit it in a piecemeal manner this will slow down the processing of your application.
The application fee is based on the cost of construction and is non-refundable. The minimum application fee is $150. In addition to the application fee, an application deposit fee is required at the time of submission. This application deposit fee is credited toward the fees for issuance of the building permit. The payment of the application fee and application deposit is to initiate the review of your application. If items are missing, the application may be sent back to you for re-submission.
Remaining Building Permit fees are based on the estimate cost of construction including material and labour at market value. You can see the full list of Building Permit fees in Schedule 1 of the Development Application and Licence Fees Bylaw 2277
Fees can be paid by cash, cheque, debit, or e-transfer. Credit cards are not accepted.