Peachland Cemetery
Location: Intersection of Elliott and Vernon Avenues.
Directions: From Highway 97, travel approximately 3.5 kilometers up Princeton Avenue and then left on Vernon Avenue.
For information and details, please contact the Operations Office at 250.767.2108. The office is open 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Usually a funeral home makes burial arrangements. A death certificate, burial permit or cremation certificate must be provided prior to burial. Grave sites are available for purchase to reserve a plot (full burial or cremation) for an individual and/or family member(s).
Operations employees prepare (open and close) burial and cremation plots. A minimum of 24 hrs notice is required for cremation plot and 72 hours notice for full burial plot.
- A regular grave plot is 5 ft x 10 ft
- A cremation plot is 3 ft x 3 ft.
- A Cremation Liner is 12.0" x 12.0" x 12.0". Cremation liners can be made to a nonconforming size but generally the 12x12x12 fits most cremains.
(Maximum sizes)
- Adult Grave Markers: 16" x 18" up to a maximum of 36" x 12"
- Child Grave: 16" x 10"
- Cremation Graves: Single 14" x 16" to a maximum of 24" x 16"
Height of flat memorial markers - flush with surrounding ground level. Only flat memorial markers may be installed. All memorial markers must be made of natural stone or bronze. A bronze marker will have a concrete base, supplied by the District.
Where two related persons are buried side by side in adjacent graves, one double (companion) memorial marker may be used instead of two separate markers in which case the memorial marker will span evenly the two graves concerned.
Only one permanent or continuous floral display is allowed on any grave site and is to be situated at the head of the gravesite. Flowers, wreaths and other offerings may be placed on graves at the time of internment, but may be removed by the Caretaker when their condition is considered by the Caretaker to be detrimental to the appearance of the Cemetery, or for the purpose of regular maintenance of the Cemetery. Wind and weather can wreak havoc with memorial placings.
- What ornamentation may I place on my relative's grave?
Flowers only. - When am I permitted to place "plastic or artificial" flowers?
Only from Sept 30 to May 1 of each year. These flowers are typically removed in the spring when grass cutting begins. - Why did someone remove the flowers I placed on a grave?
They may have deteriorated or may have been removed for aesthetic reasons or may have been disturbed by wind/weather. - May toys or food be left at grave sites?
No. These become a hazard to others during grass cutting operations. - When are the gates opened and closed?
The main gate is always locked unless a burial is arranged, or unless prior permission is made to have it unlocked. There are two pedestrian gates always open. - May I install my own marker? Are stones or brick permitted around our marker?
No. Only authorized staff of the District of Peachland may install a marker. Authorized staff from a funeral home or a memorial company may remove a marker. Stones or bricks around the perimeter of markers are not allowed under the bylaw for safety reasons. - When will you level my relative's grave or headstone?
This is usually done within a few weeks of burial to allow for initial settlement resulting from disturbing the soil. Levelling is done as part of ongoing annual maintenance and lawn repairs or to address a safety concern. - Who is responsible for repair of damaged memorial markers?
The family is responsible for any repairs to monuments. The District does not own the memorial markers. - What is the cost of Plots? Markers? Burials? Internment of cremains?
Fees are determined as per the bylaw. Cemetery Rates and Charges - Is there anyone at the cemetery on the weekend or during a weekday?
No. Please contact the District's Public Works office at 250.767.2108 for access inquiries. The office is open Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m - 4:00 pm. - When there is no one at the cemetery how will I know where my relative's grave is located?
Contact the District office at 250.767.2108 Mon - Friday. Arrangements will be made to assist you in identifying the grave sought. - Why is there plywood laid on my relative's grave?
There may be a burial taking place nearby and the plywood has been placed to protect the existing plots and memorial markers while the earth is piled to permit the grave to be dug. - What types of markers are permitted?
Only flat markers are permitted. They can be made of stone or bronze. - How long is a burial service permitted to extend?
Weekday burials must be finished by 2:30 pm or overtime charges will apply. - Can we spread our relative's ashes on our father's grave?
You may not spread ashes on any grave. One can pour ashes into a purchased plot without using a container and liner for the container. But that plot will not be re-dug for any other cremains. - May we bury our pet's ashes with our relative?
No. Only humans may be interred in the cemetery and all those interred must have an appropriate Burial Certificate. Fees must be paid prior to burial. - When making funeral or burial arrangements, how much notice does the District require?
The District requires at least three (3) working days for burials
Gifts to the Community
This program is temporarily closed.
Check back in Summer 2025