The District of Peachland employs a number of staff certified through the Environmental Operators Certification Program who are qualified to operate and maintain the water treatment and distribution systems. Along with significant investment within both of these systems (see Peachland Water Treatment Plant for more information), including 24/7 monitoring – it is constantly assured that the water being delivered to our resident’s taps is safe to drink. In addition to these items, the District also works closely with the Drinking Water section of Interior Health (IH) to complete a water monitoring program which results in regular water quality reports being delivered to both staff and IH officers.
The District is committed to finding ways to improve the protection of our source water through better regulation of the many activities occurring within the crown land watershed. Reducing the likelihood of source-water contamination through regulation of watershed activities adds another barrier to the multi-barrier approach to public health protection and enhances the safety of our water supply.
Water Quality Notifications
Find current water advisories in an interactive map and more water information at Drinking Water For Everyone.
“The District will advise customers to any pertinent changes in water quality including Water Quality Advisories or Boil Water Notices. Further information can be found at Drinking Water for Everyone, a interactive web portal generated and maintained by IH.
For more information on the Guidelines in place for drinking water, please visit Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines (web link)”.
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