Boating & Water Safety

Day Mooring Flag Downtown

Peachland offers a variety of beaches and marine parks for everyone. Enjoy nearby stores, restaurants, pubs and much more along the waterfront. Peachland shores are rocky with some private beaches and docks.

Marine Facilities

Beginning from the south end of Peachland...

  • Deep Creek and Antler's Beach Regional Park - Available parking and picnic area is located at the mouth of the creek. A nice sandy beach with washrooms, picnic tables and a marked swimming area. Hardy Falls is an easy 10-20 minute walk over small bridges on a well-marked trail.
  • The "T" or "Doggy Beach" - Public boat launch. Also, a beach where dogs are allowed.
  • Pentowna Marina and Peachland Water Sports - Boats, personal watercrafts and water toys available. The only public marina between Kelowna and Penticton.
  • Peachland Day Use Wharf - Breakwater - enter with care. Very good shelter from south and north winds. Large dock, no overnight moorage. Located downtown Peachland across from many shops and restaurants.
  • Peachland Yacht Club - For members only . The moorage basin has two visitor mooring slips. There is no clubhouse and a locked gate assures member visitation only, but washrooms and water can be accessed from the road. There is enough depth for most keelboats but watch your wake when entering the breakwater. The Yacht Club is next to Swim Bay and its concession. Lifeguards are on duty most days in July and August. Diving tower and marked swimming area.
  • Pincushion Bay - A nice bay with pebble beaches. There is a double cement boat launch in the south end of the bay. Provides shelter from north winds.
  • Trepanier Creek Inlet and Bridge - Do not enter the creek inlet. Sandy beaching areas for one half mile north and pebble beaches for one half mile south of the point. A public boat launch lies north beside the two green docks. There is a marked swimming area.

What's on the other side of the lake...?

  • Okanagan Mountain Park - Marks the south end of the park. Good overnight camping with shelter from north winds. Secluded sandy beaches with picnic tables, fire pits and hiking trails. Places to explore are Commando Bay, and Wild Horse Canyon.
  • Rattlesnake Island - Not recommended to go between the island and the shore for the depth of the channel is shallow. The island has a small bay on the south side for refuge of small boats only. Very rocky shore, so beach with care. Watch for rocks close to the surface on the north/west corner of the island. Divers - there are small caves on the west side with rock formations and sheer drop-offs. There are old docks on the north side.
  • Squally Point - Native legend has it that Okanagan Lake's great sea serpent "Ogopogo" makes its home in a cave here. Small animals were carried to Squally Point in canoes to appease the serpent. Stay clear of the rock walls and watch for south winds thay can appear suddenly. Good shelter is provided from north winds in the south bay. No beaching for 1/4 mile south or north. Qualified divers only. A cavern entrance that can be explored lies 100 feet from the point and 20 feet down. Take lights and be cautious.
Boating Wake

Safe Boating!

Be Prepared
Know the safety rules for your craft; inform your guests, wear lifejackets, keep safety gear on board.

Watch your wake
Avoid creating obtrusive waves near other boats, swimmers, or the 
shoreline. Keep the big wakes to the middle of the lake.

Keep it slow 
Slow down when using the boat launch or approaching day mooring 
docks or public swimming areas.

Don’t Drive Impaired
It’s illegal, number one, and second, it is ALWAYS unsafe. Just don’t do it.

Beach Water Quality 

The water quality of Peachland's beach parks on Okanagan Lake fluctuates due to naturally occurring circumstances. Working with Interior Health, Peachland routinely monitors the water quality at its public beach parks and will notify the public when it is considered unsafe for swimming.

Signage will be placed at impacted beaches and information provided through the District's website and e-notification. Subscribe to receive news from the District at

Interior Health - Public Beaches

As long as testing has been conducted, approximately 10 years, the District has NEVER had unsafe levels of E. coli at Swim Bay. So far in 2024, Peachland's testing has indicated E. coli levels are VERY LOW in the park.

A Note About E. Coli & Swimmer's Itch

E. coli is a bacteria that is present in many mammals, including humans. People may experience symptoms like diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting after swimming in and ingesting water with unsafe levels of the bacteria. Routine monitoring provides trending information and ensures elevated levels of contaminants are recognized immediately and the public can be notified.

Swimmer's Itch is a skin rash caused by an allergic reaction to the larvae of parasites called schistosomes, often present in snails and waterfowl. When enjoying a dip in the lake, there is no sure way to avoid these parasites, but you can take the following precautions. Schistosomes are found in many lakes and ponds in BC, particularly in the warm summer months. (Source: HealthLinkBC - Swimmer's Itch)

  • Check for warning signs at public beaches for notices stating that swimmer’s itch may be present. Not all beaches have signage for swimmer’s itch.
  • Avoid areas with lots of weed growth. There may be more snails and larvae around aquatic plants.
  • Use a pier or dock to enter the water to help reduce your risk of exposure, as there may be more larvae near the shore. Make sure these structures are approved for swimming and do not dive into unknown waters.
  • Dry yourself off with a towel as soon as you come out of the water. If possible, have a shower and dry off right away.

The public can access shower facilities to rinse off after swimming at the Peachland Community Centre during office hours Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm.