
If you experience conflict with wildlife in Peachland (ie. bears turned over your garbage can, coyote attacking lifestock or pets, raccoons denning under your deck, etc), please contact WildSafeBC.
WildsafeBC is a program designed to reduce human-wildlife conflict through education, innovation and cooperation. Visit their website at WildsafeBC.
Residents should be aware that it is an offence under the BC Wildlife Act section 33.1 to provide, leave, or place attractants for dangerous wildlife (bears, wolves, cougars, and coyotes).
Bears are a common sight in all neighbourhoods in Peachland. To ensure both residents and bears are safe, it is important to Be Bear Aware.
For tips on reducing conflicts with bears, please click on the following links:

Deer and other wild animal carcasses on the road shoulder of Highway 97 are the responsibility of the Ministry of Transportation's maintenance contractor to remove. Please call Aim Road Maintenance at 1-866-222-4204 with the location of the dead animal.
Deer and other animal carcases on Peachland road shoulders will be picked up by the District crews as time permits. Call the Public Works office at 250.767.2108 with the location of the animal.
After hours, (evenings and weekends) the crew will not be called out to retrieve an animal carcass unless there is some immediate danger to traffic (ie. located in the middle of the road). Please report the location to the after-hours phone 1-888-804-0666 and the crew will retrieve the animal the next working day.
Carcasses will not be retrieved from private property. However, if the animal is transported to the road shoulder, it can be picked up from that location.
Yes, you may see range cattle wandering through Peachland.
Call the Public Works Office at 250-767-2108 if you see cows in town. Pictures are always helpful in identifying ownership.

The most effective way for the public to help control the goose population is to refrain from feeding geese or other waterfowl.
Please don't feed the geese or waterfowl.
Find out more information on what is being done to control the goose population in the Okanagan and how you can get involved at the Goose Management Website
Report a Nest
Call Toll Free 1.877.943.3209 or click here to Report a Nest to the Okanagan Valley Goose Management Program.
Kokanee Salmon

Peachland has one of the best viewing locations for kokanee salmon at Hardy Falls Regional Park.
The fish in Deep Creek are larger, and look more like their cousins (sockeye salmon) then in creeks like Mission Creek or Powers Creek. They spawn usually in late August to late September. Their eggs are laid at this time and stay under the gravel until freshette, which is around May.
Please stay out of the creek and keep your dogs out of the creek during these times (spawning though to May). Eggs are easily crushed under feet and paws!
Learn more about Hardy Falls and the kokanee at the RDCO Regional Parks website.