February 11, 2025
Rise and Report
Mayor Patrick Van Minsel rose and reported that Council had agreed during an earlier in-camera meeting to authorize the Mayor and District staff to seek grant funding from the Provincial and Federal Governments to help the municipality fund sewer servicing expansion in the community. Mayor Van Minsel also reported of the appointment of Shelly Elverum to Council’s Climate Action Task Force.
Peachland Elementary School Students Welcomed
Council welcomed Grade 3, 4 and 5 students from Peachland Elementary School who were visiting to get a glimpse at how local government works. The meeting was held earlier in the day to accommodate the students and all enjoyed pizza together after the meeting. The students are members of the school’s new Youth Council and have already made recommendations to Council that they think will make their community better. Council looks forward to continuing to foster this new link to the students in the community.
Road Closure Tailyour Lane
Council gave first three readings to a Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw for Tailyour Lane in the Buchanan neighbourhood. The subject area is an 891 m2 portion of Tailyour Lane adjacent to Highway 97. It forms part of the municipal road right of way but does not function as a transportation corridor. This closure stems from Council’s discussion in 2023 on municipal revenue generation. If Council approves the road closure, the District can raise title for this area of land and add the newly created parcel to the municipal land inventory as a potential development site. Community water and sewer service is readily available to the area which slopes gently down from Highway 97 towards the lake.
Protective Services Building Borrowing Bylaw
Council adopted a Protective Services Building Temporary Borrowing Bylaw to allow the deadline to borrow for the community’s new fire hall to move past November 2027. Legislation requires borrowing to occur within five years of approval – in this case, the approval was provided by Peachland voters in a 2022 referendum on borrowing up to $17.5 million for the new Peachland Protective Services Building. This temporary borrowing bylaw allows flexibility for the District to continue with the project without the immediate need to secure long-term debt, and would not require the withdrawal of funds until the project is ready for funding.
Next Council Meeting
The next Regular Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 25, 2025, beginning at 6 pm. Council meetings are open to the public and webcast live. Find the full schedule by visiting Find webcasts of past meetings at Keep informed; subscribe to get news and event information emailed directly to you at