- Schedule C - Confirmation of Professional Liability Insurance
- Building & Plumbing Application - Online Portal - submit your application online for faster service.
Or, you can submit your completed building permit application to building@peachland.ca. Only complete applications will be accepted. Incomplete applications will require you to gather the missing information which may result in delays. A 'confirmation of receipt' email will be sent to you along with instructions on how to pay the application fee. Pay the application fee as per the instructions. When payment is received, your application will be entered into the queue for processing. You may be contacted by the Building Department for additional information as the detailed review begins.
There are two methods to you to update your mailing address on your property. The first option is to change it directly with the Land Title Survey Authority by clicking on this link: Land Title Survey Authority. Applicants will be invited to use their BC Services Card app to verify their identity, and to sign into the online application.
The second option is by visiting the BC Assessment's website at BC Assessment.
Once you submit this form with your new information, the BC Assessment Authority will send us the updates for our database. Please contact our offices should you have any questions. Phone 250-767-2647.
Use this application for:
- Official Community Plan Amendments
- Rezoning Applications
- Development Permits
- Variance Applications
- Area Sector Plan Amendments
Use the Building Inspection Request Form below for all inspection requests. Email the form to inspections@peachland.ca. No inspection requests will be accepted in person, by phone, or by text.
To obtain information in a property file, please submit a Property Information Request Form. Details about property information requests, including what information is given out in a standard request, as well as the fee and how to pay is in the Property Information Request Info Sheet.
This service is available to homeowners, contractors, or realtors looking for information, but is no longer offered as a free, walk-in service. Please allow for up to 3 business days to receive the requested information.
Authorization for cutting and removing trees in Peachland is found in the Tree Protection Bylaw No. 2404. You can read more about the regulations around tree protection, removal, FireSmart principles, and the application process within that bylaw.
If you feel you need to have a tree removed, please fill out the Tree Cutting Application Form and submit it to the Bylaw Department. The Bylaw Officer will work with the Fire Department and other staff, if required, before granting a Tree Cutting Permit. If the permit is approved, a $50 permit fill will be collected prior to issuance of the permit.
If you have questions, please contact Bylaw at bylaw@peachland.ca or call 250-767-3710.
Part 3 (Complex) Buildings Checklist: All buildings over three storeys in height or over 600 square meters in footprint. Some buildings three storeys or less in height or under 600 square meters in area that are of a specific use. These are buildings intended for public gatherings, residential care, detention or high-hazard industrial activities. Some larger buildings intended for residential, commercial, or medium-to-low hazard industrial activities.
Part 9 (Simple) Buildings Checklist: Most buildings three storeys and under in height and with a footprint of 600 square meters or less. These are small buildings intended for residential, commercial, or medium-to-low hazard industrial activities.