Elected officials have the authority to make decisions about how land will be used or developed. They can make long-range plans for the greater community as well as decisions that affect neighbourhoods or individual properties. In order to balance these powers, elected officials are required to hear the views of residents and other interested parties through a public hearing process.
A local government mustnothold a public hearing in certain circumstances. Examples include when a proposed zoning bylaw is consistent with the official community plan (OCP) that is in effect, or when a proposed development complies with the new Small-scale Multi-unit housing (SSMUH) legislation. Refer to Bill 44 for more information on when public hearings are not required.
Where a local government is creating or amending a bylaw for an OCP, zoning bylaw inconsistent with the OCP, or another bylaw that requires a public hearing, it must be held after first reading and before third reading.
At the public hearing, all persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw must be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard. This involves an opportunity to make a speech or presentation to the elected officials or to present a written submission.
The District of Peachland, in accordance with the Local Government Act, and the Development Application Procedures Bylaw No. 2396, notifies the public of an upcoming public hearing by all, or a combination of, the following methods, depending on circumstances:
- mailout to owners/tenants within a 100m buffer of the subject property,
- posting electronically on the District of Peachland website,
- posting to municipal bulletin boards,
- by email in the e-newsletter to residents who subscribe.
Please note that after a public hearing has concluded, Council cannot receive or consider any new submissions or information from the applicant or public regarding the application.
For more information on the Local Government Act, or the District of Peachland's procedures, please click on the links below.