Application Forms

Building Permit Application Forms

We encourage you to use the Application Portal for faster processing. Otherwise, submit your completed package to Only COMPLETE APPLICATIONS will be accepted. Incomplete submissions will result in delays.

Depending on your project, you may be required to submit some of the forms below to make your application complete. Refer to the back pages of the application form to determine which ones. If using the Application Portal, it will identify which forms are needed as you progress through the process.

Building Permit Application Form

Use this form to apply for building, plumbing, and demolition projects. The reference pages at the back of the application indicate the documents you need to submit for different projects.

Inspection Request Form

Complete this form and email it to to request an inspection.

Hazardous Materials Report Form

Complete this form in addition to a Building Permit application for a demolition or where the proposed work includes alterations or renovations within an existing structure.

Plumbing Fixture Unit Count Form

Complete this form and submit when making application for a single family dwelling, secondary suite, or duplex.

Alternative Solutions Request Form

If proposing an alternative to BCBC or BCPC, complete and submit this form. Keep in mind, alternative solutions are site and issue specific.

Secondary Suite Registration Form

When constructing a suite, or registering an existing suite in your home, complete and submit this form with a building permit application.

Driveway Permit Application Form

Complete and submit this form it you are constructing a new driveway, requesting an additional driveway, or planning any alterations to an existing one.

Water and Sewer Application Form

Complete and submit this form for new water or sewer service, or when making changes that impact the size of the existing service(s).

Zoning & Building Code Analysis Form

Use this form if requested by the Building Department to conduct a code analysis of your project.